Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Trans Siberian Orchestra

This past Friday, Meme and I went to the Trans Siberian Orchestra.  I love going to shows with Meme, she loves to rock out and she loves the loud music, it makes her feel like her hearing is what it used to be.  It's too cute.  I, on the other hand, probably lost a good bit of my hearing after that show.  I'll just say this, TSO rocked long, hard, and loud.  At a good 2.5 hours into the show, I was screaming "uncle" in my head, with the commencement of each new song.  The show was 3 hours long!  All I can say is Thank God we went to the 3pm show, I never would have lasted through the 8pm show which we had initally tried to get tickets for. It was fun and entertaining none-the-less. 

(I love my beautiful Meme)

Below is a list of what you may experience at a TSO Concert:

"Affectionate" Couples (get a room damnit, your making me more nauseas)
80's Rock Hair (oh yeah, they flipped that shit)
Lasers (please say this with the Dr. Evil accent)
Shooting Flames and Sparklers (um Rhode Island Concert Fire Disaster anyone?)
Gargoryle Anime
Hearing Loss
Extreme Fatigue
Challenged Endurance (yours)
Talented Rock Musicians (who didnt quite make it in the rock world)

(did i mention lasers? You have NO idea)


  1. lol! I love TSO. Its been a dream to see them live. They are clients of ours. I love the picture of you and Meme :c I miss her. DId they play the xmas song?

  2. great blogging!! you are witty girlfriend! :) yah, two peas in a writing pod. think it's hysterical you went to this concert with your grandma. lasers taboot! wow, you've inspired me to post pics of my rob zombie halloween pyrotechnics show!
