I'm really not the type to make New Year's Resolutions...usually because they are broken/forgotten by the second week of the month. But this year, I have a few things that I would like to attempt.
1. Take better care of myself:
This includes, looking cuter on a daily basis (avoid bed head at work), working out at least 4-5x per week, and eating healthier for my small bean.
2. Take better care of my husband:
Cook dinner and have better groceries on hand for when the poor guy is hungry. This sort of reverts back to #1...if there was better food in the house, I might order in less.
3. Be more patient and kind:
Lately my temper sucks (I blame hormones). I want to be sweeter, kinder and more gentle to all those around me.
4. Keep a budget:
I'm so tired of living paycheck to paycheck. I'm 30 years old damn-it! I need to learn to live with-in my means.
5. Slow Down and enjoy life:
I am so rushed from day to day. Wake up late, rush to work, work late, rush to the gym, rush home, crawl into bed...only to do it all over again the next day. If I can somehow manage to wake up earlier, enjoy the day a bit, take lunches, breath, perhaps I wont be such a jerk the second things don't workout like I want them to.
6. Be Grateful and Thankful:
I'm always so consumed by what I don't have, or what's not going right for me, (baby's making me fat and pimpley, our house is not perfect yet, my car blows, it's cold in Reno, i'm poor). I need to just appreciate what I have (an awesome home, a baby on the way, a loving family, and a super sexy husband that loves me even though i'm a raging lunatic). I love everything I have and how lucky am I? I love my family, my husband, my growing baby, my home, my heep of a jeep. I love it all and am so grateful for it. I need to express that more.
those are great resolutions! i'm always here to back you up if you need a positive thought! XOXO