Friday, February 5, 2010

E.R. Adventures

So i've been experiencing some mild cramping and yesterday it seemed to intensify.  Just to be cautious our doctor's office sent us into the emergency room to get checked out. 

It was a long night, but said and done, it was worth it.  Aside from the rude nurses and one jerk of doctor in particular, the ultrasound tech was super cool and made up for the rest of the lame staff.  He showed us all of Bean's perfect organ's and took measurements to make sure growth was normal.  Just as I've known all along, I'm actually a week ahead of where my OBGYN has me.  And, had the OBGYN given a rat's ass when I showed her my charts, we all would have been on the same page the whole time.  Anyhoo, Bean measured just a few day's shy of 19 weeks in size, everywhere except for the legs which are actually measure closer to 21 weeks!  Awww, little Beany Long Legs!

It was fun to see it again, when you're pregant, you basically live for the moments you get to feel it move, hear the heartbeat or see it on the ultrasound.  It totally had hiccups and was opening and closing its mouth like a champ.  I love that adorable little Bean!

Below is a great pic of Bean's that Daddy's nose I see?

The wonderful ultrasound technician also gave us his best guess on Bean's sex, however, he could only be about 90% sure as the umbellical cord was in the way, so MC and I will not be making our final announcement until we get the Ultrasound scheduled for Feb. 22, stay tuned!

The rest our our night was spent waiting for a doctor to come and tell us absolutely nothing.  Luckily MC has a new phone with a super cool car racing game...which he wouldn't let me play.  I was forced to watch college basketball while I slowly starved to death.

1 comment:

  1. awe, "little beany long legs" is so cute! made me chuckle. :)

    don't you hate it when ER people are such pricks?! why is that, they always are! if they hate their job they can get a new one!!

    and as you were starving, so was bean. :) i'm guessing boy. and you'll name him michael. i don't know, just flowed off my tongue. xo
