Saturday, July 31, 2010

Kellan's Birth

2 Days prior to my scheduled induction, I thought I felt a lame-o girly infection coming on.  As this can be dangerous for the baby, and as I was not 100%, I decided a C-Section would be the safest route for the delivery of our son.  On July 14th, MC and I drove over to Renown and anxiously got ready for the C-Section.  I'm a pretty tough girl, but for some reason, the thought of being filletted on the operating table had me absolutely terrified.  After my nurse graciously busted two veins in my left arm trying to give me an IV, "hope she's not giving me my spinal tap", I thought.  The birthing experience was nothing like I had planned in my mind the past 10 months.  I had dreamed of a long, hard labor, medication free, but all I had expected was not so.  As I walked into the operating room, I could hear women down the hall...laboring...I was jealous.

The OR was not as I had expected (or should I say not as you see on TV shows like ER and Greys), it was more like what you might see in One Flew Over the Koo Koo's Nest or Haunted Hospitals.  It was scary, cold, white.  The floor was sticky with iodine from previous surgeries, the table was thin with two extensions for my arms.  I looked the nurse in the eyes and said, "i'm terrified."  I've had surgery once before, for the "birth" of my "twins" but before I was wheeled into the OR, I was on a happy drip of morphine...the spinal numbing did not have those lovely, smiley effects.  In fact, the spinal numbing made me puke for the majority of the surgery.  No bueno.  Nothing like being completely cut open and exposed and puking your guts out.  It was scary.  My lovely MC was there to hold the barf bag for me...I think I was sqeezing his hand so tightly I could have broke it.

When the doctor finally pushed our baby out (I had no idea that they literally push on your belly to get the baby out) she reveiled that the cord was wrapped around his neck 3 times and once around his ankle.  This comforted me knowing that even if I had labored as I had wanted, we still would have ended up on the operating table.  I had made the right decision, it was fate, I am certain.  I watched my beautiful husband as he watched our baby coming into the world.  Niagra Falls.

The first thing the doctor mentioned was how cute his face was, then she held him over the sheet so I could take a peek, it was my little Kellan, all gooey and pink and crying like a kitten.  I don't think I have ever seen a more beautiful sight.  I wish I could relive that moment over and over again.  MC got to go over and watch the nurses work on him, while I laid on the table literally hating every minute of it.  MC brought Kellan over for just a second, and then the two of them where swept off to the nursery while I was stapled back together and wheeled into recovery for an hour, dying to see my baby.  After a rediculously long hour, they brought me my burrito baby bundle.  I'm pretty sure I spent the next week of my life staring at him and crying.  Everyone tells you it's LOVE at first sight...but until you live it, you have no idea.

Kellan's story in pictures below.
