Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas is for the Birds and other tree goodness

I knew it was love when I gave up the fight to have a color themed Christmas tree.  MC is such a Christmas fanatic, that it was just one less struggle I had to deal with.  So for the last four years, I have had a tree that boasts every colored ornament out there along with tinsel.  For laughs, our first Christmas together we purchased a bird with wild blue feathers that we could attach to the tree.  Every year since we have picked out a bird tree ornament.  Wonder what we will end up with this year?  (See birds of Christmas's Past below)

The original Blue Beast

Bird on Branch 

Flatty Sparkles, the cheaper choice

Even though I still daydream about one with pear green, gold and mercury glass ornaments, I've grown to love the colorful mess that is our Christmas tree.  Every year when we put up the last ornament and stand back for a look we say..."well this has to be our most beautiful tree yet!" Also, with all those bright colors and lights, Kellan cannot get enough of it!

Got out of tinsel again this year.  I feel accomplished somehow.  Oh, and please don't get me started on our exterior Christmas lights, thats a whole seperate beautiful disaster.

Speaking of Mr. Kellan...

He Hates Tummy Time :O)

Happy Holidays,

1 comment:

  1. Hi there,
    I came across your adorable blog and thought your little guy's tummy time photo would be a great entry in Pathways Awareness' Holiday Tummy Time Baby Photo Contest.

    Three winners each receive a certificate, a $20 Starbucks gift card, and a photo mug with which to display their favorite photo.

    For more details and to enter, visit:

    Happy Holidays!
