Sunday, January 23, 2011


The month is not quite over, but I thought I would share a few highlights from the start of 2011, as I know the next time I blink, February will be here (and probably almost gone).  Things at work are finally picking up and it feels as though i've been hit by a freight train.  Everyone kept telling me to enjoy the quite, it will change, and boy did it ever.  All good things though.  The weeks fly by pretty fast, unfortunately, so do the weekends.  My little Kellan turned 6 months old on the 14th, he's sitting up, has 2 teeth and eats his veggies like a champ.  He's also sleeping through the night now, almost a full 11 hours to be exact and this thing they call pretty, pretty amazing. 

Following are a few things we loved about January.

Walks in a winter wonderland:

Torturing Maceos:

Our first two teeth:

The Duck Park with Daddy:

Hanging with our buddy Aiden:

First time on the big boy swing at the park:

Ridiculously warm weather for Reno in January:

Saying goodbye to Mr. White:

And saying Hello to Mr. Steel:

Also worth noting:  Grandpapa turned 60 and Cousin Hunter turned 10.  Seriously, this means I'm getting old, real old.


  1. mells bells supertrampJanuary 23, 2011 at 8:24 PM

    happy january! your photos are great! i still can't believe you're a mommy. i can't wait to meet the family! love you lots. :)

  2. Kellan is gorgeous! Such a handsome guy. Nice new that Barefoot Contessa in the background? ;-)
