Monday, February 14, 2011

Hot Mess

Lately, I've been a hot mess. Last Friday my 6 year old Theory Pants split while at work, revealing more butt cheek and "dated" victoria secret thong than I would ever like to share to an office full of higher ups.  You can thank me later for not posting a picture. My supervisor took pity on me and let me go buy some new pants, good news is I wasnt forced to wear a large coat the rest of the day.
Yesterday, the top to a gallon of water popped off in the back of my car. As I went to clear bags out of my backseat, I was not too pleased to see Lake Blue Thunder sloshing around behind the drivers seat. Not cool.

This morning I forgot that I needed to provide Kellan with Valentine's Day cards for all his friends at school, so after I dropped him off, I ran to the grocery store. When I was there I remembered we desperately needed dishwasher detergent. I threw some in the carry basket and ran over to the Valentines day cards. As I go to step forward I slipped on something. Luckily I caught myself. Wondering what it was I slipped on, I look down and notice my left shoe and pant leg and purse are soaked with nearly half the contents of the now cracked detergent bottle. Its 9:30 AM and Im ready crawl back into bed and start the day over. I walk back to the office defeated with pants and a sticky leather shoe that are already turning white from the bleach in the detergent. Luckily the 60 mile an hour winds blowing through Reno, dried my tears (and are the main cause for the rats nest that is now in my hair).

Hot Mess Dude.  Hot Mess.

1 comment:

  1. Bless your soapy heart. Remember when I came into the office after shattering a shelving unit in my garage because I thought the truck was in reverse but it was in drive, nearly dropped all of Jim's birthday cupcakes in the parking lot on the way in then realized my skirt was slit down the middle in back and I had to start and finish the day in The Reno Great Balloon Races plaid pajama pants?? Dishwasher detergent may be worse. Hope your day's been better. Happy Valentine's Day? :)
