Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Hello Again

Hi...Remember me? Chances are No because it took me 5 tries to even remember my log-in information for this thing. Lame, I know. I totally missed my chance to tell you about our very nice Christmas, Our Festive New Year's Eve with Friends that included Burning German Alcohol on a Sugar Cube, our super special visit with Titi Jess before she joined the Coast Guard, a new Hayflich neice on the way, Kellan's battle with every single cold and virus that daycare can throw our way and my own personal battle with a Spine that acts 80 years older than its actual age and an ulcer that tried to kill me. Other than that...you didn't miss much (except the fact that my baby is basically a fully grown, talking, counting, Donald Duck Loving Toddler.) Just taking this opportunity to say..."I'M BACK" and I hope to make it a habit.

Ps. That dish I mentioned below was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. Too bad no one but me ate it. It's cool. I had leftovers for 6 weeks. Lucky me.


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